Eukaryotic Cell Eukaryotic Cell

Eukaryotic Cell (EC) focuses on eukaryotic microbiology and presents reports of basic research on simple eukaryotic microorganisms such as yeasts, fungi, algae, protozoa, and social amoebae. The journal also covers viruses of these organisms and their organelles and their interactions with other living systems, where the focus is on the eukaryotic cell. Topics include, but are not limited to:

 • Guest Commentaries
 • Minireviews
 • Basic biology
 • Molecular and cellular biology
 • Mechanisms, and control, of developmental pathways
 • Structure and form inherent in basic biological processes
 • Cellular architecture
 • Metabolic physiology
 • Comparative genomics, biochemistry, and evolution
 • Population dynamics
 • Ecology

weitere Meldungen

EJCAP Spring issue 2017: Companion animal rehabilitation

EJCAP Spring issue 2017: Companion animal rehabilitation

From hydrotherapy to shockwaves and from laser treatment to cold packs – the range of physical therapeutic options to aid in the healing and rehabilitation of our patients are extensive

EJCAP Winter issue 2016: Annual boosters, obsolete?

EJCAP Winter issue 2016: Annual boosters, obsolete?

For many years, the annual booster was a routine procedure. This is now being challenged

EJCAP Special issue 2016: Caring for the emergency patient

EJCAP Special issue 2016: Caring for the emergency patient

Keeping a cool head, performing correct triage and providing lifesaving needs to your patient – the Autumn issue of the European Journal of Companion Animal Practice (EJCAP) is here to back you up

EJCAP Summer 2016: Innocent heart murmurs in puppies

EJCAP Summer 2016: Innocent heart murmurs in puppies

Identifying innocent heart murmurs in puppies is explained in a paper by veterinary cardiologist Viktor Szatmári and colleagues in the Spring issue of the European Journal of Companion Animal Practice (EJCAP)


