A Practical Guide to Canine and Feline Neurology

(29.12.2004) Curtis W. Dewey (Herausgeber), Anton G. Hoffman (Illustrator), Carol Rudowsky (Illustrator)

A Practical Guide to Canine and Feline Neurology Sprache: Englisch
Gebundene Ausgabe - 642 Seiten - Iowa State Press
Erscheinungsdatum: 1. April 2003
ISBN: 0813812496

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Although a working knowledge of neuroanatomy is necessary for clinicians, learning neuroanatomy in depth is rarely an achievable goal of any veterinarian in practice. Additionally, there are countless neurologic diseases, far more than any general small animal practitioner could possibly remember.

This book provides clinicians the tools they need to understand and be clinically proficient with the neurology cases they face in practice. Using a logical and simple approach, this book serves as a succinct handbook of canine and feline clinical neurology.

The first chapter condenses the neuroanatomy needed to perform and interpret a neurologic examination. The second chapter offers practitioners a step-by-step guide on how to perform and interpret the neurologic examination so that lesions of the nervous system can be accurately identified and localised.

From these two chapters alone, practitioners will be able to discern whether or not a specific patient has neurologic disease and, if so, whether it is in the brain, the spinal cord, or the peripheral nervous system. Subsequent chapters provide an excellent resource to fine-tune that localisation and to identify the specific diseases. Extensive references are also included for further reading.

 A Practical Guide to Canine and Feline Neurology is an invaluable reference source for small animal practitioners, veterinary students, residents, specialists and anyone needing a refresher course on neurology before taking specialty board or state board examinations.

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