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Goldschakalprojekt: Goldschakal Maj liefert der Forschung einzigartige Daten über seine weite Reise
Jennifer Hatlauf (BOKU Wien)
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Matthew Hansen
. . .

Taschenbuch - 174 Seiten - Blackwell Science Inc.

Erscheinungsdatum: Oktober 1996

ISBN: 0865425531

Hier bei Amazon bestellen ....

With the continued growth in popularity of reptiles as pets, more and more practitioners will be called upon to treat their unique dieseases and ailments.

This essential guide provides practitioners at all levels of experience with a concise and complete introduction to the most common reptile diseases and their treatments.

Its easy to use format and acessible language make this much needed handbook ideal for use in a busy practice.

Shawn Messonier's extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of reptile diseases will lend confidence to practitioners new to reptile practice and will be welcomed by others whose frequent treatment of reptiles demands a handy, quick-reference guide.

From the basics of starting a reptile practice and an introduction to reptile care, Dr Messonnier covers all aspects of clinical care of reptiles with individual chapters devoted to diseases of some of the most popular reptiles: iguanas, snakes and turtles.

His treatment protocols for common diseases and disorders are thorough yet succinct, allowing practitioners to diagnose and treat reptile cases quickly and correctly. Common Reptile Diseases and Treatment is the handbook you will turn to again and again to find the answers to the most prevalent problems in reptile practice.

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weitere Meldungen

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Vetmeduni Vienna
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Thomas Zimmel/VET-MAGAZIN
Balzendes Paradiesvogel-Männchen
Francesco Veronesi from Italy via Wikimedia Commons

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