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Techniques in Small Animal Wound Management

Techniques in Small Animal Wound Management

A comprehensive but accessible guide to wound management in small animal patients, this textbook covers all important wound management modalities and available products - von Nicole J. Buote

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Wiley-Blackwell; 1. Edition (4. April 2024)

Sprache: Englisch

Gebundene Ausgabe, 432 Seiten

Hier bei Amazon bestellen ....

A thorough and practical guide to the surgical and non-surgical treatment of small animal wounds

Techniques in Small Animal Wound Management focuses on surgical and non-surgical management techniques for the wide variety of wounds that clinicians in any stage of training or clinical practice treat in veterinary medicine.

This book includes detailed information on currently available products, including specific indications and instructions for use, and step-by-step descriptions of techniques used to treat wounds, making it an indispensable resource for small animal veterinary practitioners.

Topics discussed range from the anatomy of wounded tissues, phases of healing, and classification of wounds to initial treatments, dressings, vacuum-assisted bandages, and surgical reconstructions. In Techniques in Small Animal Wound Management, readers will also find:

  • Step-by-step instructions for using innovative wound management tools such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy, laser therapy, stem cell/platelet-derived treatments, leeches, and maggots.
  • Detailed discussions of specific uses and indications for topicals, dressings, drains, bandages, and many other tools and techniques.
  • Clinically oriented chapters offering tips for specific wounds such as burns, bite wounds, eyelid, lip, and ear wounds, and necrotizing fasciitis.

Techniques in Small Animal Wound Management is an ideal practical reference for all veterinary students, small animal veterinary practitioners, and veterinary surgeons looking for a comprehensive guide to the wounds we treat.

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