WSAVA Future Leader Award for Dr Muhammad Hasan Mahrous
Dr Muhammad Hasan Mahrous, an Egyptian veterinarian who qualified in 2018 and works at a veterinary clinic in Dubai, is to receive the 2021 WSAVA Future Leader Award in recognition of his contribution to association building in his home country and to increasing access to continuing education (CE) for Egyptian veterinarians.
While a veterinary student, Dr Mahrous set up the Egyptian Chapter of the International Veterinary Students Association (IVSA). A not-for-profit association, IVSA aims to benefit animals and people by harnessing the potential and dedication of veterinary students to promote the international application of veterinary skills, education and knowledge.
On qualification, Dr Mahrous helped to found the Egyptian Small Animal Veterinary Association (ESAVA), the first association for companion animal veterinarians in the country. ESAVA joined the WSAVA in 2020 in order to take its place in the global veterinary community and support the development of companion animal practice in Egypt.
Commenting on receiving the Award, Dr Mahrous said: “I am always inspired by the Thomas Jefferson quote – ‘If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done’. I am honored to receive this Award.”
Dr Geeta Saini, Chair of the WSAVA Leadership and Nomination Committee, added: “The WSAVA is a firm believer in the importance of associations to support and connect veterinarians and to promote education and best practice standards.
“Dr Mahrous’ work as a student to launch the Egyptian Chapter of IVSA has enriched the experience of all veterinary students in Egypt as they are able to participate in the meetings, exchanges and other educational opportunities offered by IVSA to its members.
“He should also be very proud of the creation of ESAVA which is helping companion animal veterinarians in Egypt to work together to develop the profession and we are delighted to have welcomed them into the WSAVA family.”
The WSAVA Future Leader Award acknowledges the work of a veterinarian who graduated within the last ten years and who has contributed significantly to the betterment of companion animals, the veterinary profession and society at large. The Award is generously supported by the Purina Institute, a Diamond Partner of the WSAVA.
Dr Natalia Wagemans, Head of the Purina Institute, said: “The Purina Institute is proud to be a WSAVA Educational Partner. We work together to connect the most innovative minds in pet health to advance the pet-related nutrition agenda globally.”
As the winner of the 2022 WSAVA Future Leader Award, Dr Mahrous will receive an engraved plaque and a WSAVA certificate during this year’s WSAVA World Congress which takes place in Lima, Peru from 29-31 October.
More information on the WSAVA Future Leader Award is available here!
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