International Veterinary Laser Symposium at SEVC!
An eye-catching event at the upcoming South European Veterinary Conference (SEVC) will be the International Veterinary Laser Symposium for Class IV Laser Therapy on Thursday morning, October 16th, 2014.
SEVC is the central learning event for this pre-congress meeting for new and current users of this fastest growing therapeutic modality in Europe. The current number of approximately 375 units on the continent is expected to more than double by October 2014 to some 800 users.
In this unique symposium, a breadth of topics on laser therapy will be covered by pain management specialists including laser physics, clinical cases, current research, revenue generation and how to implement this modality in the clinical setting.
In answer to the question “Does laser therapy work?” speaker and radiation oncologist Bryan Stephens replies, “…[it] is a five-year-old question; there are mountains of research and several dedicated peer-reviewed journals on the field. The question now is how to best deliver the right dose to get optimal clinical results.”
To further answer this question, Bryan will delve into the fundamental mechanisms as well as the internal dosimetry of laser therapy and present the relevant laser parameters, the ways in which each determines how the light interacts with the body, and which ranges of each can lead to maximum biological response.
Other speakers familiar with this therapeutic modality, such as Lisa Miller and María Suárez, will present case studies and address commonly asked questions such as “Which patients are the best candidates? What clinical effects should be expected? How to combine laser therapy with other therapies?” This is an event not to be missed for veterinarians interested in being updated on pain management therapy.
The main SEVC congress features lecture streams in a wide range of small animal topics and specialties and runs from October 16-18, 2014 at the spacious and comfortable Fira de Barcelona. The exhibition and congress hall is located conveniently in the city and well-connected to the airport and nearby hotels.
The congress runs daily from 8:30 am to 7 pm, interspersed with coffee & tapas breaks during the day that allow delegates to relax amongst the exhibitors or even take in some of Barcelona, with its beautiful Montjuic fountains just outside the exhibition centre. The weather at this time of year is usually in the mid 20s.
To view the full scientific and workshops program, for fees, registration and lodging options go online to www.sevc.info .
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