10th International Forum for Pet Supplies “ZooVetExpo-2014” will take place on April 1-3, 2014
Forum ZooVetExpo is the major event of pet industry in Ukraine. It has developed into the leading industry trade fair and most important networking platform helping international companies to conduct zoovetbusiness successfully in Ukraine and the CIS. Forum provides you with the perfect conditions to maintain and establish business contacts.
Aim of the forum: reflecting the main tendencies of world and Ukrainian zoovetmarket, facilitating development of national zoovetbusiness, demonstrating the latest achievements and technologies, assistance in searching for new solutions for zoovetindustry of Ukraine.
The exhibitors are manufacturers and distributors of pet food, care and comfort products, service suppliers, trade associations and publishers.
ZooVetExpo provides a large audience of qualified professionals with top-quality visitor promotion and professional press work. The main target groups: pet supply trade; DIY stores and garden centers with pet department; veterinarians, veterinary clinics; boarding kennels, grooming salons; seed and plant retail and wholesale trade; groceries and supermarkets, drugstores, discounters; equestrian sports trade.
ZooVetExpo undertakes vast communication measures: multistage direct mailings to all relevant target groups; effective advertising in the international and national trade press; targeted banner advertising via specialized Internet portals; reports in the trade, business and daily press; extensive Internet presence.
ZooVetExpo is the best platform for your business in UKRAINE and the CIS because:
Annually all leading domestic and foreign producers of goods and services for pets get together in order to present their novelties, latest solutions and updated technologies.
This is a good business start for companies that want to enter Ukrainian market or just want to begin their activity in zoovetsector.
This is maintenance of old private contacts and determine of new ones (very important for further successful business cooperation). Specialists from all over Ukraine, neighboring countries and beyond annually visit the forum with aim of acquainting with novelties and getting of fresh information.
More than a half visitors of the forum are top managers who are responsible for decision-making, head of zoovetdepartments, business owners.
Here zoovetbusinessmen, nurseries’ owners, producers and dealers of goods for pets, experts from Ukraine, Russia, Byelorussia, Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, China and other countries can exchange of experience and opinions as for main statements of zoovetbusiness
It covers all topics in pet industry from articles for dogs, cats, small animals, rodents and birds to aquaria, terraria, bee-keeping, equestrian sports. At forum you will get access to entire pet business in Ukraine, ranging from retail chain to wholesale trade.
ZooVetExpo-2014 foresees varied business and competition programme and also events on the occasion of forum’s jubilee (competitions, prizes and awards)!
Venue: hall 1, IEC (15, Brovarskoy ave.), Kyiv, Ukraine
Organizer: Exhibition company “Troyan” LLC
Supported by Ukrainian Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists, All-Ukrainian public organization “Association of zoovetbusiness and animal’s defenders “ZOOSPHERE”
Exhibition Company “Troyan”, of. 250, b. 68, 40-years of October ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03040
Tel./Fax: +38 (044) 258 01 23 – Lyudmyla Mykhaylenko.
[email protected]
; www.zoovetexpo.com
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