First book of Veterinary Dentistry in Romania

(19.04.2006) The first book of veterinary dentistry was officially inaugurated in the city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania at the "Iuliu Hatieganu” Medical Publishing Press.

The path towards this new emerging veterinary specialty was finally opened. The main author DDr. Stoian Camil is both a veterinarian and a human dentist and works at the Veterinary University of Vienna, Clinic of Surgery, Ophthalmology and Dentistry, Department of Veterinary Dentistry and the second Dr. Hubert Simhofer, an equine specialist in dentistry working at the same Clinic.

The book has 10 chapters and 180 pages (Fig.1 and Fig.2), is written in Romanian language, with English subtitles for all photos and tables, and a complete reference list consisting of over 270 indexes. It is divided in two parts, canine and equine dentistry.

The canine dentistry presents the tooth embryology and odontogenesis, dental formula, age determination and specific tooth morphology in dogs. The following two chapters present the radiological aspects and techniques used in small animal dentistry, the general and local anesthesia complemented with local nerve block techniques, all fully imaged in photos depicting the specific procedures.

The next chapter deals with oral examination techniques and methods, a presentation of the main oral and dental pathological entities: metabolic, tumoral, immune mediated, congenital and inherited diseases as well as traumatic injuries. The chapter elaborates on the periodontal disease, enamel hypoplasia, caries and attrition.

The equine section of the book presents the specifics of the horse dentition, formula, eruption times, dental morphology, etc. The oral and dental pathology is than detailed with a separate chapter on therapeutical and surgical approaches in horse dentistry, another chapter on equipment and instruments and finally the jaw fractures are presented together with the specific surgical techniques applied to stabilize them.

Although this is an introduction in the main areas of veterinary dentistry in the two most common veterinary patients the dog and the horse, it is of paramount importance since it opens the spectrum of a new veterinary field in Eastern Europe in general and in Romania in special. 

The next book of veterinary dentistry is already in work and will present a detailed atlas of dental pathology, with numerous case presentations and photos, with the necessary equipment and instruments as well as a list of commercial distributors.
The second edition will complete the necessary information for the veterinary dental specialist.

DDr. Camil Stoian, PhD

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